What Is The Difference Between Follow And Connect On LinkedIn

What Is The Difference Between Follow And Connect On LinkedIn

LinkedIn is the number one go-to place for professionals looking to engage in networking, share expertise, and build meaningful contacts. Still, with "Follow" and "Connect," you may get confused on when to use which and at what stage, and so this blog will differentiate Follow from Connect on LinkedIn to help you maximize your networking strategy.

What Does "Connect" on LinkedIn Mean?

The Connect feature is LinkedIn's traditional way of building professional relationships. When you connect with someone, you both:

  • Become 1st-degree connections.

  • Gain access to each other’s contact information (if shared).

  • See each other’s updates and activity in your feeds.

When to Use Connect:

  • You Know the Person: Connect with colleagues, classmates, or people you’ve met professionally.

  • You Want a Two-Way Relationship: If you’re looking to interact with their posts and build a mutually beneficial relationship, sending a connection request is the way to go.

  • Expanding Your Network: If you're growing your network within your industry, connecting allows for direct communication and collaboration.

What Does "Follow" on LinkedIn Mean?

The Follow option is ideal for keeping up with someone's updates without forming a direct connection. When you follow someone:

  • You see their posts, articles, and updates in your feed.

  • They do not have access to your contact information or private messages unless they choose to connect with you.

When to Use Follow:

  • Thought Leaders and Influencers: Follow industry experts, CEOs, or public figures to stay updated on their insights.

  • Keeping It Professional: If you admire someone's content but don’t know them personally, following is a less intrusive way to stay informed.

  • Limit Personal Exposure: If you’re selective about who you connect with but still want to gain valuable knowledge, following is the better option.

Key Differences Between Follow and Connect on LinkedIn

RelationshipOne-way: You follow their updates.Two-way: Both parties connect and interact.
VisibilityYou see their posts in your feed.Both see each other’s updates and content.
Contact InformationNot shared.Shared between connections.
MessagingNot available unless they allow messages.Available for direct communication.
Use CaseFor industry leaders and influencers.For colleagues, peers, and personal contacts.

How to Choose Between Follow and Connect?

1. If You’re Building a Personal Network

  • Use Connect to grow relationships with people you know or want to collaborate with.

2. If You’re Seeking Insights

  • Use Follow to stay updated on content from thought leaders or professionals you admire.

3. Hybrid Approach

  • Follow first if you're unsure, then connect later if the relationship evolves.

Can You Follow Without Connecting?

Yes! With LinkedIn, you can follow a person without needing to send him a connection request. You do this by simply clicking on the "Follow" button on their profile. It is very handy for celebrities and other users who have a massive following and therefore cannot accept everyone's connection request.


Understanding the difference between Follow and Connect on LinkedIn is important for using the site effectively. While Connect is ideal for building two-way professional relationships, Follow is a powerful tool for staying informed and learning from industry leaders.

Utilize these features to increase your professional network without exposing yourself or losing your focus. Knowing the difference now, take some time to revisit your strategy on LinkedIn and ensure you're using the correct feature to serve your purposes.

Feel free to comment below if you’ve got questions about LinkedIn or networking tips!

Know More >> https://scrapelead.io/blog/what-is-the-difference-between-follow-and-connect-on-linkedin/